Riding With Olivia is Lower Hutt’s Chapter Of Cycling Without Age

Adult Safeguarding Policy

Policy Statement 

The policy exists to ensure that Riding with Olivia and Cycling Without Age Lower Hutt [CWALH] implements appropriate arrangements, systems and procedures to ensure that the organization has the right skills, means and resources to protect Vulnerable Adults, all beneficiaries, volunteers and others who come into contact with the charity.

CWALH recognizes that a Vulnerable Adult is an Adult who is at risk of abuse and unable to protect themself against significant harm or exploitation.

Vulnerable adults may be involved with CWALH either as a Trustee, volunteer or end service user. CWALH will take reasonable steps to :

  • Protect and support vulnerable adults;
  • Provide a welcoming, secure and comfortable environment for the benefit of vulnerable people;
  • Keep vulnerable adults who have contact with CWALH and its volunteers safe from harm; 
  • Comply with relevant statutory requirements;
  • Support and protect the interests of volunteers who have contact with, or access to adults who may be vulnerable.
Definition of a Vulnerable Adult

The NZ Crimes Act 1961 defines a Vulnerable Adult as : 

”…a person unable, by reason of detention, age, sickness, mental impairment, or any other cause, to withdraw himself or herself from the care or charge of another person.”

CWALH recognises that some members of our community are potentially more vulnerable and that we have a general duty to protect and support vulnerable people in the community. 

Definition of Abuse

Unfortunately, there are many forms of abuse that vulnerable adults may suffer. 

The types of abuse are:

  • Physical abuse including: Bodily assaults resulting in injuries e.g. hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, misuse of medication, restraint or inappropriate sanctions; Medical/healthcare maltreatment.
  • Sexual abuse including:  Rape, incest, acts of indecency, sexual assault; sexual harassment or sexual acts to which the vulnerable adult has not consented, or could not consent or was pressured into consenting; sexual abuse might also include exposure to pornographic materials, being made to witness sexual acts and encompasses sexual harassment and non-contact abuse.
  • Psychological/emotional abuse including: Threats of harm, controlling, intimidation, coercion, and harassment, verbal abuse, enforced isolation or withdrawal from services or supportive networks; humiliation; bullying, shouting, and swearing.
  • Neglect including:  Ignoring medical or physical care needs, failure to provide access to appropriate health, social care or educational services; withholding of the necessities of life, such as medication, adequate nutrition and heating.
  • Financial or material including: Theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure in connection with wills, property or inheritance or financial transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.
  • Discriminatory Including:  Racist, sexist, or discrimination based on a person’s abilities, and other forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment.

Promoting Adult Safeguarding within CWALH

Safe Recruitment & Selection

CWALH ensures that all potential new volunteers :

  • Complete an application form to provide information relevant to this Safeguarding Policy.
  • Provide two pieces of identification which confirm both identity and address.
  • Undergo an interview involving at least two interviewers.
  • Provide at least two references which are followed up before a post is offered.
  • Consent to a NZ Police Vetting check, and agree to CWALH requesting an annual update.

CWALH understands that :

  • A person who is barred from working with children or vulnerable adults is breaking the law if they work or volunteer, or try to work or volunteer with these groups.
  • An organisation which knowingly engages someone who is barred to work with those groups will also be breaking the law.
  • If our organisation dismisses a member of staff or volunteer because they have harmed a child or vulnerable adult, or could have done so had they not left, we must make referral to the NZ Police Vetting Service.

Management & Support of Volunteers

CWALH has the following items in place for managing its volunteers :

  • All volunteers are provided with a role profile outlining their main rights and responsibilities. This includes the requirement to comply with this Safeguarding Policy.
  • All volunteers are provided with a volunteering code of practice.
  • All volunteers are given regular support sessions. 
Code of Conduct

CWALH requires Trustees and volunteers to comply with their Code of Conduct.


Trustees and Volunteers receive Adult Safeguarding training appropriate to their role before commencing their active involvement with service users. This will take the form of an online accredited course.

CWALH will promote awareness of Adult Safeguarding issues, to its Trustees, Volunteers and service users.

Reporting procedures 

The following procedure refers to abuse or suspicion of abuse of a vulnerable adult that volunteers become aware of during their work with CWALH.

Any volunteer who becomes aware that a vulnerable adult is, or is at risk of, being abused should raise the matter immediately with the Safeguarding Lead. A decision will need to be made in regard to whether the person is a vulnerable adult and whether they are at risk of abuse/experiencing abuse.  If it is a case of abuse towards a vulnerable adult, a decision will be made about what action will need to be taken and how to inform the (vulnerable) adult.  

CWALH will :

  • Inform the adult of the action we propose to take.
  • Seek their agreement for any referral. 
  • Ensure that they are kept informed about what will happen next, so they can be reassured about what to expect. 
  • Endeavour to ensure that they are safe and supported before proceeding with any other action. 
  • Inform the adult if CWALH are planning to seek advice from or report concerns to an external agency.
  • In most situations, there will not be an immediate threat and the decision about protecting the vulnerable person will be taken in consultation with themselves and/or Social Services.
Elder Abuse Response Service—Telephone 0800 EA NOT OK (0800 326 6865)

There are some cases that require an urgent response :

  • If it is suspected that a serious criminal act has taken place, telephone 111. Tell them if you think it might be adult abuse. 
  • If the individual is injured seek immediate medical treatment. Tell the ambulance personnel or A&E staff that this is a potential adult abuse situation. 

A written record must be kept in regard to any concern regarding a vulnerable adult.  This must include details of the person involved, the nature of the concern and the actions taken.  The recordings must be signed and dated.  All records must be securely and confidentially filed.