Riding With Olivia is Lower Hutt’s Chapter Of Cycling Without Age

Code of Conduct

The Riding with Olivia and Cycling Without Age Lower Hutt [CWALH] Code of Conduct is founded on the global Cycling Without Age principle of the “Golden Rule”: Treat others as you would want to be treated; act as you would want others to act.

Our Code of Conduct expands on this principle, but life is complicated and unexpected circumstances can arise.  If in doubt, refer to and apply the Golden Rule. 

Personal Conduct 

We expect all Trustees and volunteers to treat each other and participants with respect and common courtesy. This means that the following conduct should be avoided : 

  • Raising one’s voice
  • Behaving aggressively
  • Inappropriate physical contact
  • Swearing
Hygiene and Appearance 

Volunteers should always attend sessions having washed and wearing clothes that are clean.

Corruption & Abuse of Position

Using our positions to our personal advantage, rather than to the advantage of our work and our clients, is a gross abuse that will not be tolerated to any degree and will be subject to a clear and timely response by the CWALH Trustees.

Duty of Care 

Through the service which we provide, we are in a unique position to identify the signs of abuse, to report it and to ensure that such reports are acted on. Volunteers must report any and all concerns that a client may be a victim of abuse to a CWALH Trustee who in turn must ensure that such information is passed on to appropriate authorities. Training in the Safeguarding of Adults is mandatory for Trustees and volunteers.

Criminal Record Disclosures 

Everyone involved with CWALH will be subject to the NZ Police Vetting Service (PVS). We reserve the right to dismiss anyone with unspent criminal convictions that we think make them unsuitable for their role. 

PVS checks are subject to review on a regular basis. If you are investigated regarding or charged with any criminal act while you’re involved with CWALH we expect you to inform a Trustee.