Riding With Olivia is Lower Hutt’s Chapter Of Cycling Without Age

Become A Passenger

Riding with Olivia proudly provides elderly and disadvantaged residents the opportunity to enjoy free recreational rides in our trishaw. However, before booking a ride there are a few important things you should know.


Riding with Olivia commenced operation in Mid-2023, so in these early months our operating systems, including “Book a Ride” are still being fine-tuned. The current procedure to book a ride is to first familiarise yourself with the information on this page and then complete and submit a Passenger Application Form. We will then contact you to arrange a suitable date, time and place for your ride.

Our current range of off-road routes includes river and foreshore view rides, but the exciting news is that the ongoing and proposed development of cycleways in our city will provide an improved range of rides.

Governance Criteria

For your protection we require that all Riding with Olivia participants must comply with:

Rules for Passengers
  • Whilst we welcome disabled passengers the trishaw does have some limitations:
    • Passengers must be able to get in and out of the trishaw with minimum assistance from our Volunteers. If passengers require more than a supporting hand they must have a companion or family member to assist them in and out of the trishaw. These passengers must remain in the trishaw for the duration of the ride.
    • Subject to the trishaw weight restrictions, passengers are welcome to include their assistant or companion on their ride. If this would overload the trishaw assistants/companions may ride along on their own bicycles.
    • Passengers must be able to sit upright unassisted. Our trishaw is equipped with lap seat belts, but no harness.
  • All passengers must complete and sign a Passenger Application form prior to riding on our trishaw. Passengers unable to do so must have the form completed and signed by their Legal Guardian or Power of Attorney.
  • Our trishaw can become unsafe if overloaded. We are therefore required to take your weight into consideration when planning the loading configuration for each ride to comply with the specified load restrictions.
  • We do not provide rides for errands or appointments. All passengers will be returned to the starting point of their ride. However, occasional stops along the ride may be made to enjoy the view or a café for example.
  • Seatbelts must be worn at all times during the trishaw rides.
  • Although Pilots are required to wear a helmet, passengers need not wear a helmet unless they prefer to do so.
  • Each ride time and route will be negotiated and agreed upon with the passenger. However, for safety reasons, most rides will be off-road, and the Pilot has the final say on whether the ride may include on-road sections.
  • Rides may be cut short or cancelled due to unforeseen events such as weather, mechanical problems, lack of personnel etc. However, we will endeavour to reschedule cancelled rides at a suitable time for the passenger.
  • Except for very special circumstances we are currently unlikely to be able to pick up a passenger from their house.
  • Due to the vulnerability of our passengers, we ask that anyone with flu or COVID symptoms stay away from our facility until at least a week after they feel better.

We hope you enjoy this new programme and enjoy feeling the wind in your hair again!


Download Passenger Application


If you are a returning visitor and have completed and submitted our Passenger Application Form, contact us or use our booking form to book a ride.