Riding With Olivia is Lower Hutt’s Chapter Of Cycling Without Age

Riding With Olivia is Lower Hutt’s Chapter Of Cycling Without Age

Cycling Without Age Facts

  • Invented in 2012 in Copenhagen
  • Active chapters in 39 countries
  • Starting up in 20 countries
  • 3,050 chapter locations
  • 4,900 trishaws
  • 39,000 trained cycle pilots
  • Over 3 million rides and over 650,000 people served
  • Oldest pilot is 90 (Jørgen Hass, Denmark)
  • Oldest passenger Pauline Angleman, 110 from California (sharply followed by youngster Edith Green, 108, from Bournemouth)

CWA Links

Can a trishaw ride change the world? Sustainable development goals ↗

Cycling Without Age global website ↗

Cycling Without Age New Zealand website ↗

Cycling Without Age New Zealand Facebook ↗


The Lower Hutt Chapter of Cycling Without Age is a registered charitable trust that was established in January 2023 to provide a living and dynamic memorial to Olivia Marchant, who passed away the year before.

More about Olivia →

Cycling Without Age is a non-profit organisation connecting those unable to ride for themselves with their community and the outdoors by providing free rides on trishaw ebikes piloted by volunteer cyclists.

More about Cycling Without Age ↗

Cycling Without Age Lower Hutt does not want cost to be a barrier to experiencing the joy and inclusiveness of our trishaw rides. For our services to remain sustainable, we welcome financial support in the way of tax-deductible donations and sponsorship opportunities.


Make a Donation

The Trishaw

It is fitting that our original trishaw is named Olivia.

Olivia is a Triobike model, dubbed as a couch on wheels.

The Triobike is ergonomically designed to be practical and stylish. It has a spacious and comfortable passenger seat with a very relaxed sitting position.



  • Wilson family
  • List family
  • Watson family
  • Simmonds family
  • my-ride-hutt-valley.jpg

    Brendan at My Ride Hutt Valley for preparing our imported Triobike for operation

  • signplus-riding-with-olivia.jpg

    Paul at SignPlus for making and gifting the Riding With Olivia decals for our Triobike

  • riding-with-olivia-vests.jpg

    Danny at Ultimo Clothing for donating the design time for our smart new vests